25 August 2017

paper-bag balloon

he has turned you
into a paper-bag balloon
easily fluttered
easily crushed
easily explosive

07 August 2017

things my mother taught me - I

my mother taught me
to leave when no one’s looking
when there is no danger
of being stopped
or getting caught

she left past midnight
three children in tow
attempting an escape
along dark beaches, rail tracks
heart pounding

but I say
leave in the light
before being left
leave when it is least expected

– that’s when no one’s looking

some mornings

some mornings
I wake up broken
wash the blood
from the sheets
after he goes

they do not dance
in the breeze
or dry stiff
in the hot sun
but seethe in darkness

beneath a ceiling fan
swirling slowly,
bearing witness

to too much

04 August 2017


you let me go
like you let go
of a kite

like I was nothing more
than paper or string

nothing worth keeping
nothing worth saving
