31 December 2012

new year wishes

so be with me –
in the new year
and the old year
and every year
that ever will be

and I will love you –
with my blood
and my bones
and every ounce
of my being

surely I jest

maybe next year
I’ll miss you
less, yes?


30 December 2012

always III

no matter what
I’ll always be the one
who loved you
more than anyone else would
the one who loved you
too much for anyone’s good

always II

I still hold the promises
you made
maybe someday you will
keep them
maybe someday I will
lose them


at the close of every year
I delete demons anew;
every single one
except for

29 December 2012


in your perfume
I still soak
friendship bands

it brings you back
like nothing else can

28 December 2012

bye bye

six months is ancient history
I think you need to
forget me