25 September 2014

Russian roulette

(the memory of)
your kiss is still a knife I hold
between clenched lips
a live bullet inside
my mouth


slowly undoing
that top button of your shirt
you undo me


he called me beautiful today -
your memory was gunfire
shredding me apart.

slice of happiness

and so you serve me
a slice of happiness -
I really shouldn't let
you make me smile

leaving - VII

stop begging -
I refuse to fall into your
still-beautiful laughter again.

leaving - VI

don't run to me with your
happiness I no longer treasure
I am not your home now

leaving - V

you bring your happiness to me
as I am emptying myself of you
find a new place for your smiles

leaving - IV

how happy
we must seem
to anyone watching

leaving - III

by the beach today
our old roads
broken now
those dreams
all drenched in salt

leaving - II

begging is undignified
learn to let me go
with grace

leaving - I

you're drowning in regret
I am finally unwilling
to save you

those hugs

remembering how you used to hug me
until I'd fight for breath

(I still fight to breathe
now that you're gone)

10 September 2014

the me from you

we can’t unravel us now,
entangled as we are;

where do we find a thread?
where slip in the knife?

how do we start slicing
the me from you?

we are blended, melded,
bonded, fused

you have absorbed me,
I have inhaled you

we are more than one,
yet never two

how do we separate
the me from you?

02 September 2014

letters - III

that time I called you a mistake
and you cried, I should have
stayed the course and
shunned those eyes
raised a glass
and smiled


you –
a singular
expendable thing
my sweet, sweet darling