25 June 2014


I was a willing conquest
turned cold war

you a magician showing
your hand too soon

when the veil fell away
so did we

dead love(r)

you hurled yourself
into the hereafter
so violently

ten years later
I still tremble

such arrogance
your damning


my heart
it would have
followed you anywhere

- once

terror - I

I was not prepared
for the terror of
loving you

go away

today you return
emotional blackmail turned up high
I turn a blind eye


I was my own home
-you displaced me

drugs - II

that the world can and will
offer you these things
that may take you from me -
therein lies the rub, the
sting of loving you
too much

too much

it has always scared me -
this loving you, this much.

drugs - I

what a disquieting thing it is
to deeply love someone and yet
know you cannot keep them safe
- not even from themselves.

18 June 2014


I too was
Maya once
but with you
I wasn't always
elusively illusion


what did they say
those angels on your shoulders
to stop you from touching me?

02 June 2014

I miss the bruises

I miss the bruises of your kisses most
that morning-after validation of us
the signature of your face
pressed into my flesh

knifed - I

for someone who
barely managed a kiss
worth remembering

you still stabbed
the knife of memory
into every breach