30 December 2011


Once I had red hair
And you, you had a
Slice of sunshine
Falling on your face

As I looked up at you
Shielded by your shadow
Burning into memory
My pictures of us

But the sunshine and you
Came long before
The red hair and a life
Without the sun

Tactile memory

Lost in your memory
Missing your loving

How you always whisper
You’re so warm and
Pull me closer

Your rough and tender
Rough and tender
Love hate love


I find myself

These daredevil

But you and I
We have no right
To amber

Trapped for
Aeons in frozen

We’re transient

Not everyone
Plays for

You read me wrong

When you admitted
You read me wrong
You were still heading
The wrong way;
You read me wrong
That time you thought
I was a girl who’d
Want to stay

29 December 2011

Pyramid scheme

I should
Trade you
Upgrade you

Half a point

Back then
You were
Half a point
Ahead of me

In English, once,
When I scored
Only 99-and-a-half
And you, a full 100

And in cheating
When you had
Not one but two
Of my best friends

28 December 2011

Callous (dis)regard

My friend tells me
This callous disregard
I have for life –
Other people’s lives –
Simply won’t do.
Until realisation hits
That this is anything
But callous disregard
It is most deliberate
And deep-felt instead


It’s time then
To cut off my hair
And memories of you
Face the New Year afresh
New hair, hard head, heart bled